Whey Protein, the Favorite One among Bodybuilders in Curitiba-Pr. an Analysis Based on a Study Carried out in the Brazilian City Gyms

Author Details

Ana Maria Da Silva Delai, Maria Gisele Dos Santos, Mateus Peres De Souza, Renan Winkler Obayashi

Journal Details


Published: 27 July 2018 | Article Type :


The main point of this study was the consumption of Whey Protein by bodybuilders from Curitiba, aiming to verify the amount of protein ingested, and if it is within the total amount recommended by the Consensus of the Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine (2009). To achieve this objective, a questionnaire was administered to three randomly chosen gyms in Curitiba. The sample consisted of 42 males, aged 17 to 44-year-old, bodybuilders and consumers of Whey Protein. Data were treated in percentage terms, and structured into tables for data analysis. The research has shown most bodybuilders consume protein supplementation on their own, and make use of a high protein intake from supplementation in order to obtain anabolic benefitsregardless the daily protein recommendation, and the risks of excess protein.

Keywords: Protein Intake, Whey Protein, Bodybuilders.

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How to Cite


Ana Maria Da Silva Delai, Maria Gisele Dos Santos, Mateus Peres De Souza, Renan Winkler Obayashi. (2018-07-27). "Whey Protein, the Favorite One among Bodybuilders in Curitiba-Pr. an Analysis Based on a Study Carried out in the Brazilian City Gyms." *Volume 2*, 3, 18-24